Friday, January 25, 2008

NYC'S...Fees Likely for Traffic Plan

Nearly half the members of a commission studying ways to tame city
traffic said the panel would likely recommend imposing fees for driving
into the most congested part of Manhattan, a newspaper reported Friday.

The commission's choice will likely be a less ambitious version of
Mayor Michael Bloomberg's proposal to charge cars $8 and trucks $21 to
drive into Manhattan below 86th Street on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 6
p.m., The New York Times reported.

Eight of the 17 Traffic Congestion Mitigation Commission members said
they expected the group would emerge with a modified take on
Bloomberg's plan, the newspaper said. A leading possibility, according
to the Times: making the cutoff for entry at 60th Street, and not
charging drivers for trips within the fee zone.

An estimated nearly $500 million a year in proceeds would pay for mass transit improvements.

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