Friday, September 08, 2006


ANAND Jon shows his fash ions tomorrow at the Metro politan Pavilion. Born in India, raised in mystic Hindu surroundings, having a Jewish grandma, brought up Christian, deep into yoga, living in New York, partnering with his mother in business, fund-raising for the sanctuary at Horseshoe Creek Wildlife, working on a reality show with Michelle Rodriguez of "Lost" fame, now making a movie with producer Deepak Nayar, designing for names like Halle Berry, Daisy Fuentes, singer Shakira, doing the shirts for Bruce Springsteen's tour, he arrived late for our interview, brought a dozen people to stand around staring, had no lights on, never invited me to sit, said his logo is a serpent "because it means hidden knowledge" and wore a black T-shirt that read "Star Whores" when we met. OK?

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